The single craziest Truth about our reality is that the fighters (aka the military and police etc) will ALWAYS simply follow orders, no matter how right or wrong those orders are. Every crazy thing we experience follows from that one basic Truth.
Now, what is the reason for this? Many insane follow-up questions must be asked. But we must realize that this is a DEBILITATING fact. Soldiers have NO morals, they only exist to follow instructions. From this basic fact, we have the entire management class: so-called “bosses” that provide “jobs” for the rest of us.
We are a DOOMED species. There is a Demiurge in charge (or perhaps a group which I will call The Orchestrators). But on an individual basis, if we DELIGHT them (as our pets delight us), PERHAPS there will be hope for us. Perhaps there is a HEAVEN where those who “do the right things” will ascend to a higher level of existence!
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